Simon Belousoff – The 13 Leadership Sins of Enterprise Digital Transformation, and So Much More #54
“A lot of organisations use the language of Digital Transformation, but in reality there’re only comfortable with small-c change” – Simon Belousoff
This episode Simon breaks down – The 13 Leadership Sins of Enterprise Digital Transformation and so much more. Simon shares his global insights into how to successfully bring about Transformation across a variety of sectors using best practice principles you can apply to your initiatives
Simon is an executive thought leader with significant experience in senior roles in the enterprise digital transformation and customer experience innovation space. He has worked across a wide range of consumer-facing industry verticals, both regulated and unregulated, including health insurance, financial services, telecommunications and gaming. In his most recent role at Bupa Health Insurance in Australia, he was the business lead for a program of work enabling always-on omni-channel personalised customer experiences at enterprise scale, including the design and build of a contemporary best practice Big Data platform.
Thanks, Simon simplify the complex processes that drive Transformation.