Mutsa heads up Ubuntu Lab – which translates from its Southern African roots to mean, a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity.
“there is a need for understanding not vengeance, ubuntu not victimization”
Mutsa’s focus is to help people achieve transformation in their life, through bespoke coaching practices and principles that are designed to foster introspective reflection, recharacterization of life events and the adoption of new habits that enables individuals to thrive.
His company runs focused groups across the globe from the office, virtual meetups to exotic locations, with a clear goal to help people ‘Transform’
As a Critical Thinker, Mutsa has realised the importance and lack of the crucial skill of critical thinking in Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole. From this need Ubuntu Leadership Academy was created, where through interactive seminars and workshops people were taught how to think and feel differently in order to better themselves.
UbuntuLab focuses on holistic development of the individual, were the end result is to BECOME a person who proactively contributes in bettering society.
Under ULbuntuLab are programs such as Level Up: (a 3 month intensive entrepreneurial development program), Boys to Men ( an 8 week crash course in Effective Leadership for +18 orphans) and Your Authentic Self ( a series of blogs, vlogs, podcasts, e-books, books and seminars, that dares people to find out who they really are).
I had the pleasure of catching up with my cousin Mutsa whilst on holiday in Zimbabwe, this podcast is an extract of that conversation.
Mutsa debunks the modern ‘work-life balance paradigm’, His Spiritual journey and why he believes the current ways of living are not good for personal growth, “it is all about being connected to something far bigger than yourself.
He drops many Mic Drop Jewels the highlight being a technique ACRR (Acknowledge, Confront, Remove & Replace) – used to help people come to terms with traumatic events and move forward in their lives.
Watch out for the collaboration Live in The UK 2019 – details to follow. Time to evolve or dissolve – Make Life Boom!
For more information on Mutsa Samuel Check Out
Books of Influence – Reading is only useful if you apply the lessons in your own life.
Rising strong by Brene Brown
Seeds for the Soul by Chuck Hilig
1984 by George Orwell
Astonishing the Gods by Ben Okri
Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X